On January 1st our drummer had an unfortunate accident and damaged his knee. But as they say: The show must go on!
With the help of three extremely talented drummers we were able to fulfill all our commitments this past month. So, a big thank you first and foremost to Enos Kugler, Damjan Dašić (The Bestbeat) and Sander Ponne!
We would also like to thank “The Beatles community” throughout Europe for their help in our quest. Especially: Ludek Maulis (The Beatles Revival CZ), Joe Kane (Them Beatles), Michael Stanley (Beat The Meetles), Juha Järvinen (Beatline), Michael Be (The Silver Beatles) and Roy Hitchen.
And special thanks to old friends Terhi Salo, Robert McKenzie, Klemen Kotar and Sašo Brnot at Glasbeni Atelje. Without everyone’s help, none of this would have been possible. Thank you one and all!